Friday, December 5, 2014

Goodnight Gorilla

Goodnight Gorilla week! 

I have been looking forward to this one for a while because the book is just so cute! So we finished it right before heading down to Phx for Thanksgiving weekend! Here is what we did this week!

Read the book every day

Watched animated narration

Matched animals with their shadows

Colored a picture of the zoo

Worked on locking and unlocking a lock
(Ember shocked me by actually locking it and unlocking it by herself!)

We read the story and had Ember pick out the correct animal

We matched the correct color key to the corresponding cage to unlock the animal

We painted and made a gorilla

For our sensory bin - we made an edible zoo! This was really FUN and Ember loved that she could eat it!

Green jello - grass
Coconut - snow
Raisins - dirt
Cereal - sand
Broccoli - trees

Added some plastic animals to the habitat

And then ate it!

Then as the GRAND FINALE we went to the Phoenix zoo for the first time!

Ember loved it and kept talking about all the animals she saw. Her favorite parts were hearing the lion roar, watching the monkey put a piece of chalk in his mouth and nose, watching an elephant dance, and petting the goats at the petting zoo.

Another great week! 

We are going to take a break from official tot school till the new year and enjoy some of the holiday crafts/activities this season has to offer! 


  1. I seriously almost texted you when I saw you were going to the zoo to ask if you did the book "Goodnight Gorilla" that week, but I figured I would just wait to see what you would post! Haha. :) SO FUN! We are taking Jace to the zoo for his birthday in January, so I plan to do a unit with that book the week of his birthday, which will work perfectly because his birthday is on a Friday. Great way to wrap up the week. ;) And great that I have ideas from you to use. haha. :)

  2. How fun! Love the lock and key action. Glad she got the hang of it! I bet she liked being able to touch a real key too! Love the edible zoo sensory bin! Too cool!! It looks great and so tasty! And the Zoo...of course, what a blast! Sounds like the animals were very active and entertaining, which is the best! What a great way to wrap it all up!

  3. Your ideas are so creative and adorable!!!!!! You may borrow my children any time you would like! :)
