Thursday, December 4, 2014

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom

We did a unit on Chicka Chicka Boom Boom this week which was a childhood favorite of mine! It was alot of fun and Ember really liked the book. She can recognize all of her vowel letters but still isn't super excited about letters. She likes numbers more. Here is what we did this week!

Read the book everyday

Watched a YouTube animated video with narration

Colored and put alphabet stickers on a coconut tree picture 
(this was supposed to be stamps but I only had number stamps.. not alphabet ones)

Worked some on letter recognition by putting our magnetic letters in the right place on a cookie sheet

Made a coconut tree on the floor

Threw beanbags with vowel letters onto the tree while working on learning our vowels

Ate a coconut tree for snack!

Bowling with a coconut!!
(we obviously don't have any real bowling pins)

I was so excited to eat the coconut too... but when Dustin opened it up... it was bad :( I guess I don't know how to pick a coconut.

I hid a bunch of letters around the house and Ember had to find them all and put them in the coconut tree like in the book (we did this 3-4 times)

Here is our Chicka Chicka Boom Boom sensory bin with green rice hiding the letters. The coconut tree is made out of metal cans so the magnetic letters can stick to it.

And we also stuck the magnetic letters to a picture of a coconut tree on a cookie sheet

I really enjoyed this book! And it was a fun way to start introducing the letters to Ember more without them all overwhelming her! 


  1. Oh How fun!!! What a great choice of book! It was one of my favorite childhood books too...Mom must have done something fun with us!! Way to go Ember on the vowels!! That's great! Love the floor coconut and bean bags!! So fun!! Bowling with a REAL coconut! Too fun! Bummer it was bad! :( What a neat sensory bin!! It's neat that the letter stick to the trunk because of the can! It's always so nice when there are free printables!!! Looked like another fun week of learning in the Evans household!! Looking forward to what you come up with next!

  2. Love this ideas!!! What a fun lesson! Jace would love a unit with letters so I will have to do this sometime soon with him. :) So fun!
