Monday, November 10, 2014

Good Night Moon

This week we did a unit on Good Night Moon (the first real actual BFIAR book). We had fun! Here is a glance at what we did!

Read the book every day

Watched a video of someone reading the book with animation

Read these two complimentary books to the "cow jumping over the moon" and the "3 bears in chairs" from Good Night Moon

Worked on counting some of the items in the book

Ember discovered what mittens were

Found hidden pictures from the book in a salt tray

(I thought this was cooler than Ember did)

Worked on putting together a puzzle of the book cover picture

Had some "red balloons" and "moon and stars" for lunch

Baked "red balloon" cotton balls
This was pretty cool! You mix flour and water together... dip a cotton ball in and bake for about 1 hour. The outside shell becomes hard but the cotton ball stays normal in the middle. The said you could break them with a toy hammer but we didn't have one so we just used our feet :) Ember really really enjoyed this one!

Practiced hanging socks and mittens on a clothes line with clothes pins

Made a moon and star craft

Created our own stars 
Foil on an empty toilet paper roll. Make holes in the foil and then shine a flashlight through the tube.

(This kinda worked.... but not as good as I hoped it would! But Ember loved using the flashlight in her room)

There were SO MANY IDEAS for this book/unit. It was hard to choose which ones to do! But I think we both really enjoyed the activities we ended up doing!


  1. What a fun unit!!! I had contemplated the red cotton ball craft and opted out of it! Looks like a lot of fun though and from the pictures I can tell Ember really enjoyed it!! :) Great ideas! Love the flashlight and stars idea. I can't believe how old Ember looks in these pictures! She is growing up so fast! She is so adorable.

  2. Looks like such a fun week!! So many great ideas! Mittens are so cute on little hands!! I love how you said "I thought it was cooler than Ember." I have found that out to be true a couple of times as well!! Glad you did the cotton balls. That looked so neat when Allison did it with her kids! Love how you used your feet too! Love the clothes line! Too cute! I bet she loved the flashlight! It was a neat idea! Love seeing the ideas!
