Saturday, November 8, 2014

Ember's 2nd Birthday/Halloween


Ember's 2nd birthday did not start off so well for her as she woke up covered in dry throw up which she must have slept in all night and never woke up crying for us :/ So she was carted immediately to a bath to clean up. The day went UPHILL from here!

She had decorations outside her door and then a fun birthday breakfast (that was easy on the stomach... we were going to go get breakfast with our neighbors before she woke up sick)!

Then we got ready for the day and she told me she wanted to go to the mall to play! So that is what we did!

(she looks so grown up here)

After lunch and a nap - Grandma and Grandpa Flin came! Yeah! We got a few family pictures!

After dinner - Ember got in her kitty costume!

We went to a church fall festival thing that was SUPER BUSY! They told us that 1500 people came through each year. There were bounce houses, carnival type games, balloons, and lots of prizes and candy! Ember's good friend Emmerson was there too!

Ember played a few games

Got a few pictures taken

Then we stopped by Mima and Pappy's house and Uncle Lee's house so they could see the little birthday kitty cat! 

Finally, we went to a light show of one of Dustin's clients who links up music to the sequencing of lights! They usually only do it for Christmas but this year they had a smaller sized Halloween display as well!

Once home, we sang to Ember and she ate her birthday cupcake!

And then she opened her presents from Mommy and Daddy and Grandma and Grandpa Flin! 

What a FUN day celebrating the enormous joy we were given 2 years ago!

Happy 2nd Birthday Ember!!


  1. Little Ember is 2 years old! WOW! Time is truly flying! I remember sitting on a stationary bike at the gym, 6 months pregnant with Jace while you were in labor and I kept checking my phone wondering when you were going to have her! Seems like it was just yesterday! What a bummer to have her wake up that way, but I'm glad she did better as the day went on! She is such a cute little kitty! How fun to have a little church festival to go to! What fun memories!

  2. Man they sure to grow up fast! She is such a little sweetheart! Glad the sickness seemed very short lived...but gosh, on her birthday, that's no fun! You can't tell from the pictures that she feels yucky! What a big girl, holding up her 2 fingers! I think that is so cute that she wanted to go play at the play place! Cute family picture! She is an adorable kitty! Any reason you (or she) chose the kitty? The festival looks like a fun thing to do! Glad it was open to the public! What a memorable day for her, this will be!
