Saturday, November 8, 2014

2nd Birthday Party Parade!

Ember loves parades! She loved the 4th of July Parade this year, she loved thinking we were in a parade when we did the Climb to Conquer Cancer in August, and one of her absolute favorite parts of Disneyland last week was Mickey's Soundsational Parade. So... when I saw this idea, I knew it would be PERFECT for Ember's 2nd party! 

The supplies

The birthday girl!

All set up and ready to go! 
(the weather was not cooperating with us as well as last year and we decided last minute to have all of the party inside besides the actual parade. I am glad we made that decision because there was more wind and rain than we anticipated!)

The snack table

Choose a Necklace

Table to make a Dancing Ribbon Ring

And the station outside for decorating "floats"

Ember is ready for the fun to begin!!

Everyone is here! It was nice and cozy!

Getting ready for the parade with streamers and balloons!

Time for the parade!! We had parade music playing from speakers in the wagon Dustin was pulling and my mom was handing out candy to any of the condo residents who came out to watch. We put flyers on everyone's door inviting them to come out and cheer us on and about 15 residents accepted! Not bad for a rainy, chilly day!

Luke brought his Powerwheels Jeep and it was pretty hilarious to watch him running into bushes and plowing through the complex. His dad sure got a workout :)

The whole group!

And then it started raining immediately after these pictures! Talk about perfect timing!

We headed inside to sing Happy Birthday and have cupcakes!

Then Ember opened her presents!

The kids running around after the party while the adults still hung out!

We are extremely blessed by all our family and friends that helped celebrate our little girl and make her feel special on her 2nd birthday! 


  1. What a fun party!!! I'm glad you were able to do some things outside still right before it rained! I was wondering how the weather held up for you! It looks like she had a blast! What a fun idea. It makes me want to try something like that possibly for Jace since it will be cool enough outside in January to attempt something like that. That picture of her eating the cup cake is precious! I love that she is pushing her own little stroller. So cute! What a great day!

  2. Love all the decorations, the little stations around to pick or make something. I think it is so neat that you put flyers on the neighbors doors and that several came out! That is so neat! Such a good turn out! So many little friends! It turned out just perfect, regardless of the weather! Just as it was supposed to be, to bless Ember at her birthday celebration!! And those glitter shoes are just the cutest! She is loved! Very loved!
