Thursday, May 7, 2015

Oh Boy! Oh Boy!


Everything looked great at the 22 week ultrasound, The little man was being shy and not wanting to show between his legs so it was a challenge to see. He was also squirming around so much the ultrasound tech was having trouble getting pictures! He is measuring in the 75% percentile and I was actually measuring about 5 days ahead of my scheduled due date. Maybe that is why I feel like I suddenly popped and am much bigger than with Ember :)

Here are some of the ultrasound pictures!!

And conveniently, the day after our ultrasound - our local buy and trade children's clothes store had a 50% off 0-6 month old clothing. I thought it was a sign and went a little crazy! But most of this stuff was only 50 cents to $1. It was really fun buying some little boy clothes and shoes!! And Ember seemed excited too! 

We are praising God immensely for a healthy baby! And we are so thrilled to get to embark on a new adventure with a little boy! August 30 can't come soon enough!! 


  1. Oh a little boy!! So excited for you guys!! Love his little profile pictures! Nice score on the second hand shopping spree!! How fun!! Praise God for a healthy baby boy! We continue to pray for smooth sailing up until that beautiful boy of yours is in your arms!

  2. I'm so excited for you! Boys are so much fun, but I am pretty biased as I am surrounded by boys. ;) Cute clothes! (We have those swim shorts and those crocks! Hahaha!) We did that with Jace when we found out it was a boy… went to the outlets and shopped their clearance racks! Unfortunately I didn't know his specific growth chart so some of my sizes were off season. But most worked out well. Its just too exciting not to pick up a few things for baby when your find out the gender! It makes it feel so real. Glad baby Evans is measuring well and looks healthy! Everything a parent wants to hear! Praise God!

  3. LOVE IT! :) I am so excited you get to have a little boy to add to your adorable family! :) Can't beat a good deal on clothes! And those are definitely good deals! I shop clearance racks and end of season sales primarily but that usually leads to guessing and not always accurate purchases! But since I have two, I figure someone will wear it at some point! :)

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