Friday, May 1, 2015

Ormond Beach and Disney World Trip

Our little family of 3 took a Babymoon trip together to celebrate our last few months before baby #2 appeared! 

After a nice evening with Grandma and Grandpa Flin on Friday night, they were kind enough to take us to the airport Saturday morning! Ember did a really good job in the airports and on the flights even though she did not sleep at all!

After 2 flights, 1 lay over, an 1.5 hour to Ormond Beach, and a quick stop at Walmart for some food to stock our resort room.... we arrived at The Cove on Ormond Beach at 11:00 pm Florida time and had dinner! 

We woke up and explored the beautiful beachside resort!

Ember loved playing in the pool!

Her favorite thing to do was walk around in, float around in, and push around these inner tubes!

We got some good rain in the afternoon but then it cleared up and we took the chance to walk on the beach and get some pictures

20 week-ish baby bump!

Another relaxing day hanging by the pool, walking the beach, and relaxing! 

We got some INTENSE wind and rain around 3:00 pm

The majority of the storm blew through quickly and we went to a nice dinner at a place called Charlie Horse and then went across the street to a beach side park and played some and walked the beach. And of course we took some pictures. 

(not bad for self timer!!)

And we found this sign that had a picture of some seabeans on it - and Dustin has the exact same seabeans on his night stand from Costa Rica

We took it slow in the morning and then drove back over toward Orlando where we checked into our second resort - the Grand Villas Resort. We played a little at the pool and then headed to Downtown Disney to walk around and for some dessert.

We took a boat across the river that was there to take us to the other side

Ember sure loves her Pooh Bear

And now the craziness and busyness begins! We got going pretty early and headed to Magic Kingdom (VERY similar to Disneyland) for our first day in the parks!

We took the Ferry Boat to get to Magic Kingdom. It is very magical to float up to the castle and the park on water!

Dumbo Ride


Ember and Daddy cooled off in the little splash pad area

We stayed till about 8:00 pm and got a large majority of the park covered in one day using fast passes and by getting there when the park opened.

We got going early again and headed to Hollywood Studios today! Right when we entered the park, it started sprinkling. We jumped on Toy Story Mania and got these cool 3D glasses to wear.

And once we were off our first ride - it was pouring! 

Dustin had a fast pass to use so Ember and I took a few pictures while waiting! 

We knew there was rain in the forecast so we had come prepared with ponchos! We broke those out and went around the park in style! We just covered the stroller with a poncho to keep Ember dry.

The rain didn't last long and we were off riding rides and seeing some amazing shows for the rest of the morning and early afternoon. We planned to go back to the resort today and Ember fell asleep within minutes and got in a good nap.

Then we got dinner and headed back to the park for a few more activities before it closed.

Then we watched the night light and water show Fantasmic which was really cool! Ember loved it (except for the one scary part with some of the Disney movie villians) Then off to home a little later than the night before and straight to sleep for Ember.

Today we did day 2 at Magic Kingdom! We got there early again and took advantage of the light crowds at the beginning of the day.

Then Ember and I took the train over to meet Tinkerbell

Daddy had to rush and meet us there since he had my Fastpass card :( But then he got to meet Tinkerbell too!! Ember LOVED meeting her! And she was SO good with Ember.

Next, we rode the Little Mermaid ride and then met Ariel too! Ember loved meeting her as well!

We rode some rides! Ember's favorite ones here were It's a Small World, Winnie the Pooh, the Carousel, Little Mermaid, and Dumbo.


We watched the mid day parade and Ember just sat waving at everyone in it! She has always loved parades and that still continues to be true!

Since she loved meeting Tinkerbell and Ariel so much we decided to meet Goofy and Donald since the wait wasn't too long. She was so excited to see them

And then they tried to shake her hand and greet her with their gloved hands and she started to climb Dustin like a scared cat and cry. She has always had a fear of gloves for some reason and it continued here! We had to leave some space between her and the characters. Her face with Goofy is hilarious and then she is crying with Donald.... it didn't quite go as planned ... haha! But at least we knew now. She wanted to see the characters but she DID NOT WANT TO BE TOUCHED!

Family picture in front of the castle!

When we got back to our resort after our long day, we had a surprise waiting for us for our anniversary! Very sweet!

For our last day at the parks (and our 6 year anniversary!!) we went to Animal Kingdom which was a zoo and an amusement park combined! We really enjoyed our day here! 

We started the day off on a Jeep Safari on which we got to see a lot of animals up close. It was really neat!

Then we headed over to meet Mickey and Minnie Mouse. Ember was thrilled to see them and singing the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse songs in line but then we asked them to keep their distance a little once it was actually our turn!

There was a HUGE playgound area at this park with tons of stairs, ramps, slides, etc and Ember LOVED playing here!

We ate an early lunch at Rainforest Cafe - always entertaining and delicious!

Then we watched Finding Nemo the Musical which was absolutely wonderful!

We took a train ride to get to the petting zoo

There was this amazing Tree of Life in the middle of the park

Ember finally was so exhausted that she fell asleep in her stroller for an hour and a half.

Since today was our last day and our anniversary, we planned dinner at a really nice African inspired restaurant called Boma

Great food and they brought us a little surprise too since it was our anniversary!

Then we headed back to Magic Kingdom for the Electrical Street Parade

And fireworks!

It was a great way to end our anniversary and our last day in the parks!

We slept in today and then checked out of our resort and went to a Disney Resort for a Character breakfast buffet complete with Mickey shaped waffles!

We got to have breakfast with Minnie, Goofy, and Donald. Ember loved seeing all the characters walking around and would talk to them, wave to them, and blow them kisses.... just still didn't want them touching her!

We barely made our flight and Ember definitely slept on this one!

We had a long lay over in Denver so we explored the airport and kept ourselves entertained!

We got to Phx around 8 pm and then drove back to Flagstaff getting home around 10:30 (1:30 Florida time). We were exhausted but full of new fun memories with just our small family!! :)

We are so thankful that God provided the time and finances for this trip! It was full of unforgettable times and good solid quality time! Now, we can't wait for our little baby to join the family and take part in and further enrich these fun family trips!



  1. Wow! That looked like SUCH a fun trip! I am so glad that you were able to take a family vacation together before baby boy comes! Ember seemed to always be smiling which is so awesome! Those characters can be a tad scary... I can't wait to take our boys one day!

  2. Oh Kristin, what a wonderful, wonderful trip full of memories you all got to make together!! Like Jenn said, Ember was full of smiles. What a blessing that she did so well and had a blast. Too funny about the fear of gloves, but glad they respected your request to not touch her!! She will love looking back at these pictures with all the characters! I had forgotten that you went to 2 different resorts! Ryken wondered if Ember went down the big slide at the first resort? (he looked at all the pictures while I read the commentary to him). I didn't know there were so many different parks over there all in the same area! The rainforest cafe is such a neat place!! I bet Ember loved it! That is so nice you got a couple treats for your Anniversary! You did get some great family shots with the self timer or just asking strangers!! That is always a treasure! Thanks for posting such a detailed summary of your time!! So glad you were able to go and enjoy the time together before baby boy comes!! :)
