Sunday, June 28, 2015

Camp Trip

Ember's FIRST camping trip!!

We recently traded in our little tent and got some store credit and upgraded to a bigger tent and wanted to try it out and take Ember camping for one night with just our family before we went with others in case she didn't enjoy it! We shouldn't have been worried because she LOVED it and wants to go back ASAP! She loved getting to go to the bathroom on the ground like Maci does ;)

And it just so happened to be that we went on Father's Day weekend which was the perfect way for Dustin to spend the day/weekend!! 

We got her her own little camp chair and she loved it!

Setting up the tent

Blowing up our new 22" air mattress! 

Our humble abode!

Ember helped Dustin get pine cones and sticks to start the fire!

A panorama view of our campground area

 Hanging out by the fire, eating shelled peanuts, while dinner is cooking

Being silly!

Me and my love!

And had to document Baby Boy's first in womb camping experience with the beautiful sunlight and surroundings!

It was a short little trip but it was really fun for us 4 to enjoy together! And we have had so much rain this June that there were no fire restrictions so we could have a campfire and it was greener than Dustin ever remembers it being in June. Thankful for a good trip in God's beautiful creation! Hoping to make this a more regular thing! 


  1. Awww what a fun time getting to go camping! So glad that she enjoyed it. She sure is such a cute little thing! :) And your camping looks like my kind of camping... love the air mattress!

  2. Looks like a wonderful time!!! So glad Ember enjoyed it!! Camping chair just for Ember...score!! Love how no one else is around!!! :) Just your family and the open woods!! Lots of great pictures!
