Thursday, June 4, 2015

Graduation Parties

We recently had the privilege of celebrating our niece, Aly's, high school graduation, and Dustin's brother, Jared's, graduation from pharmacy school! Both parties were at Dustin's oldest brother's house in Verrado. Great to see family and celebrate! And the photo station and props were lots of fun too!! 

Aly's Party

All the decorations looked great!

Ember eating with her cousin at the little kids table!

Our family with the Grad!

Silly girl :P

And we are SO SO excited that Aly is coming up to NAU next year for college. We are thrilled that we will be getting to see much more of her! 

Jared's Party

Jared is now officially a Doctor after years of hard work! 

The proud parents! 

The Evans men

Our family with Dr. Evans

Post party golf kart wildlife search ride! They saw about 10 deer and hundreds of bunny rabbits! 

This month, Dustin, Ember, and I also went down to Tuscan to hang out with Dustin's cousin Matt and his 3 year old daughter Sophie. The girls obviously had a BLAST together!

Me and my girl! She wanted me to sit on a turtle with her! :) 

Lots of great family Evans time in the month of May! 

1 comment:

  1. Glad you are able to celebrate with your family on their big accomplishments!! What fun memories!!
    (I was way behind on commenting!!)
