Monday, December 14, 2015

Family Christmas Pictures!

I'm in love with these pictures! Kalie is so talented! 

(Side note: We won "World's Best Parents" award on this afternoon. Due to being in a rush and a miscommunication on Dustin and I's part.... we forgot socks and/or shoes for Reece. The poor baby was bare foot while we are traipsing around the snow in winter. Poor guy! And he was such a good sport about the whole thing)

(Yes... Reece is crying here. Only time he was unhappy!)

And WOW! We live in a beautiful place :) 

1 comment:

  1. These seriously turned out so nicely!!!! Not a single bad one! They remind me of the pictures on cards before you pick your card to enter your family pictures!! Such models you all are and what a perfect setting! For having a rocky start (as you say) you can't tell! So many smiles and such close love is evident! What treasures!! Already looking forward to see what your friend will capture next year!!
