Monday, December 14, 2015

Reece 3 Months Old

This little cutie pie is 3 months old now!! 

Reece is now over 12 pounds and 22 1/2 inches tall. He still wakes up about 1-2 times a night and takes 2-3 naps per day. He has regressed a little bit in his sleeping patterns at night and wakes up cooing happily in the middle of the night. His naps are becoming more consistent and longer though throughout the day.

Wow, oh wow, this little guy is adorable! He absolutely loves face to face interaction. If you get close to Reece and talk to him, he will smile pretty much 99% of the time. And he will coo and talk to you back and forth. Reece loves being lifted up in the air and also likes his head to be rubbed. He still loves his baths getting into his pajamas. Reece still does not like his car seat even though he has been caught cooing and talking a few times in it. And he has never been a fan of being held in the cradle position that people always want to hold babies in.

Reece's favorite past times are playing on the floor in Ember's room in the morning while Mommy gets ready. Ember always plays with him and reads him books. This is one of his happiest times. He loves to talk and coo and smile at anyone that will give him attention. He is really enjoying his play gym and can grasp and swat all the toys. He really likes the orange O-ball toy and his Taggie and monkey. He also likes to be propped up in the Boppy sitting so he can see what is going on. Reece loves being propped into the corner of the coach and is getting very good at tummy time! He can hold his head up really high and smiles at us while he does it.

There were many new firsts again this month. Reece experienced his first snow! And he also had to have his first shots :( He slept extra and seemed a little more fussy after the shots but nothing beyond that. He left the country for the first time when we went on a family vacation to Mexico. Reece experienced his first Thanksgiving at Mima and Pappy's house with all the family and then we went to Phoenix to visit Grandma and Grandpa too. And Reece rolled over from his back to this tummy the first time this month but has not done it too much since. 

It is hard to explain the love that I feel toward this sweet, little boy. He melts my heart daily by giving me huge gummy smiles and sweet coos. He is a very happy baby overall who sleeps great for the most part! We are so thankful and blessed to have him as part of our family! 

Some more pictures from the month! 

FRIENDS! These cuties are destined to be best friends! All within 6 months apart! 

First snow! (I guess it is a little scary....)

Ahh! So sweet - these two!

Excited to decorate for Christmas

Brother Sister tummy time! 

1 comment:

  1. Love all the pictures!! Keep them coming!! It's amazing how much they can change in a months time - looks AND personality! Especially at such a young age, they change so much so fast! Sweetest little boy I know, for sure!
