Monday, February 1, 2016

Reece 5 Months Old

Here is the big 5 month old! 

(I guess Baby Chee Chee turned 5 months today too!)

Man, oh man! 5 months already. I can't believe how close we are to half a year. Reece is such a little character who really has a strong personality for a little baby. He is a social little thing and always grabbing people's attention....and hair ;)

Reece is still around 25 inches tall. He is taking about 3 naps a day with at least one nap being around 2 hours. He has regressed some at night and is getting up 2-3 times but I attribute this to us moving him into his crib in Ember's room, transitioning him from the swaddle completely, and him rolling to his tummy but not always wanting to be there. Thankfully, he is very good at going right back to sleep after I feed him so there isn't much to complain about.

Reece loves his bouncer and his bath tub. He likes to "march" in both places - just rhythmically move his feet back and forth in a marching motion. It is pretty cute to see. He loves rolling onto his tummy and is doing much better at being content once he is in the tummy time position. Reece has started sucking his forearm/wrist as a comfort method and to soothe himself when going to sleep. Reece still loves cuddles, face to face interaction, and mirrors. The only thing that he really dislikes on most days is his car seat and he has even been caught cooing and talking in there a few times.

Some of Reece's favorite toys and games are being sang to and bounced by Mommy and Daddy. He loves when Ember comes up close to his face, backs away, and then repeats. He loves gnawing away on Sophie the giraffe and a few other toys as well. 

This month, Reece has learned how to bounce in the bouncer and sleep without a swaddle. He has also started sleeping on his tummy the majority of the time. He can do "superman" during tummy time and lift his arms and legs off the ground simultaneously. He has begun to make more noises such as spitting and he was saying things like "ah-da" and "ah-ba." 

Reece got to go to his first sit down restaurant this month when we went to Brandy's with his Mima, Pappy, Uncle Jared, and Aunt Hope. And he is getting closer and closer to sitting unsupported.

This boy has become quiet the noise maker. I am having a hard time at church, our Life Group, and my women's Bible study because he loves to shriek happy shrieks. I think Reece just likes to hear his own voice or he is trying to compete with his big sister. They are cute cute noises and I love that he is so joyful but it sure makes concentrating a little difficult. I am so excited to continue to watch his little personality and character develop. God is already shaping him into such a sweet, happy little boy. Each month drives us deeper in love with little Reece Tovrea.

Here are a few other glimpses into Reece's 4th month of life.


  1. Our boys are growing up so fast!!! He is such a cutie! So fun to see the changes each month!

  2. There is something about his eyes that I just love! The little tear drop shape they are is just so sweet to look at! My first thought when I saw these 5 month pictures is how well he is sitting up! And then you said that he was close to sitting unsupported! How fun! But slow down buddy! You are almost half a year!!
    That video that you sent me of him marching in the tub was the cutest. Clearly he was enjoying himself!
    Been there, done that with the chatter box. Everyone else loves to hear it - but as the parents, you wish for others sake and your own's you could not be so distracted. But like you said- at least it is joyful noises and not crying! :)
