Thursday, January 14, 2016

Reece 4 Months Old

And just like that - Reece is 4 months old! 

Mr. Personality he is! Always making noises and faces and smiling and cooing at anyone that will give him some attention! And this sweet little thing is a hugger and a cuddler - clings on to you like a little monkey :)

Reece is 13 pounds and 14 ounces. and he is 25 inches tall. He is still waking up 1-2 times per night depending on the night and taking 2 short naps during the day and one longer nap. 

Reece likes to be lifted into the air above our heads and also likes to fly like Superman on Mommy and Daddy's legs. He absolutely loves mirrors. He will smile every time he sees himself in the mirror and sometimes shriek at himself. He likes rolling over and sitting in his new Sit Me Up. Reece still is not a fan of his car seat. He hates when we have to clean his nose at all. He loves to roll over onto his tummy but then he gets mad when he can't roll back over the other way! 

Some of Reece's favorite games he likes to play is being tickled. He is especially ticklish on his legs and tummy. He likes to have his belly and neck "eaten" and raspberries. He is starting to really like chewing on Sophie the Giraffe and loves a little snail toy that makes noise and has a mirror on it. 

Reece has learned some new tricks this month. He has rolled over from his front to his back just a handful of times and usually scares himself. He has learned to laugh and it is one of my favorite sounds! He also screeches and screams when happy to make his voice heard. And right near the end of the month, he found his feet and is playing with them and pulling off his socks often. Reece can often push up onto his hands when he is doing tummy time.

Reece had some fun firsts this month! He got to meet the Brucks family for the first time and he loved them all and all the love and attention they gave him. He went to the zoo for the first time this month at the Phoenix zoo with some dear friends and their kids. He went to his first parade when we attended the Christmas Light Parade in downtown Flagstaff. He went for a ride in the stroller without being in his car seat for the first time and then he also took a bath without having to be in his newborn sling for the first time. And Reece got to experience his first Christmas where he was very blessed and spoiled. And he got to celebrate his first New Years Eve!

Reece is our handsome little joy of a baby and Dustin and I often talk about how blessed we are to have him in our lives! Ember really enjoys being his big sister as well and often comes over and says "Reece, I love you so much!" as she gives him a hug and a kiss. She is smitten with him as well. He has stolen our hearts! 

Here are a few more pictures from the month!


  1. Awww.... so precious! :) I love the New Year's picture of your family! And I can't believe he is already 4 months old. Such a cutie!

  2. Love that he is getting so strong and rolling over, pushing up and just learning, learning, learning! And man do I wish I was closer to get some of those monkey cuddles he gives so good!! :)
    Love how when he smiles, his whole face smiles!! :)
    Blessed you are!
    And I second Jenn's comment - love the New Years family picture! :) Too cute!
