Thursday, January 7, 2016

Neighbor Christmas War

We LOVE our next door neighbors. We have so much in common - fellow believers, business owners. daughters 6 weeks apart, love for Settlers of Catan.... and apparently a sense of humor! 

When we put up our decorations for Christmas, our outdoor decorations consist of 1 small entry way tree and a wreath on our door. We set it up as normal and thought nothing of it.

A few days later.... I spotted something out our front door and called Dustin over to see. Our neighbors had set up a 5-6 ft full size tree complete with ornaments in front of their door to outdo us! And so the war begins!! 

We took their tree and added it next to ours so that they had nothing by their door.

They proceeded to move the trees back to their side - actually plugging ours in to light it up - and adding lights around their window

They also blessed us with a Charlie Brown Christmas tree

We then moved everything back to our side and plugged both trees in plus gift wrapped our door! 

They proceeded to move all the Christmas stuff back to their side adding a gift wrapped door and lights around their window. And they decorated our house for Halloween.

We came back with once again adding a little more to our Christmas decorations - lots of tinsel on both trees and 2 lawn signs 

And we heart attacked their door in early preparation for Valentine's Day! 

They ended this years "war" peacefully by putting eat tree in it's respective place and adding a blow up snowman between the two.

It was a lot of fun and we are already worried about how we are going to out-do ourselves next year without getting any HOA violations ;)

1 comment:

  1. This is too funny! It's great to hear the whole story and I shall look forward to what happens this coming December...or sooner!
