Friday, January 8, 2016


Ember, Reece, and I headed down to Phoenix a week before Christmas because the Brucks family was coming to visit Grandma and Grandpa Flin's house and we wanted to take advantage of seeing them as much as possible. Dustin came down for the weekend and then back down the evening before Christmas Eve to enjoy some time with my sis and her family! 

We had a wonderful week of seeing family and friends and just getting to catch up and watch the kiddos play. Since we almost did everything together - I will post Ally's link to her blog update on this trip because it was that good and mine would be essentially identical (and most of my followers have probably already read hers anyway)


One extra special highlight from this trip was Reece got to meet his Uncle Chris, Aunt Ally, and cousins for the first time! And he was dearly loved by all!

The Brucks had to head home on Christmas Eve but we stayed at Grandma and Grandpa's house for the evening and next morning.

Here are our little cuties on Christmas Eve night!

We woke up Christmas morning and opened some gifts in our PJ's. 

Reece's 1st Christmas! 
It was exactly 1 year ago from this Christmas that we found out we were pregnant with baby #2. We couldn't be more grateful or blessed with who little baby #2 turned out to be! 

Reece loving his new Sit Me Up gift from Gma and Gpa

Family Picture :) 

Then we headed over to Verrado for Christmas with Dustin's side of the family!

Cousins playing

The day after Christmas, we all went out for breakfast and then used Corbin's new nerf guns for a nerf war!

Dustin also showed Kiley the card game SNERTS

Uncle Jared and Reece are matching

We then headed back to Mesa and Grandma and Grandpa were kind enough to watch the kiddos at their house once they went to bed so that Dustin and I could have a date night to the Suns game. Dustin's mom won some tickets that she was unable to use so she gave them to us. The Suns lost to the worst team in the league but it was still really fun to go and hang out with just my husband! 

We were blessed with such a super Christmas season! God continues to richly bless us with more than we deserve! 

1 comment:

  1. So glad the wait was over to meeting Reece!!! You just need had enough of him!! Those smiles, those eyes, those coo's, that comb over and on and on! Was such a highlight!
    Looks like a wonderful time with the other side of the family as well!! Love the nerf gun picture - haha!
    Glad you guys got a date out of the time away as well! That is always appreciated!
