Saturday, March 12, 2016

Back to Mexico we Happily Go :)

 YAY! Back at Casa Alegre for another vacation that did not disappoint!!

We wasted no time getting down to the ocean on our first full day there!


Playing with Pappy (aka grabbing his face and hat)

We decided to go into town for dinner this night to a restaurant with a great sunset view and it was the PERFECT night to go. The sunset and weather was GORGEOUS!

The next day - the water was GLASS so Dustin and Ember headed out on the kayak for a great ride.

Relaxing and having fun inside some too

One of Ember's favorite things about Mexico is the Jacuzzi since the ocean is usually a little chilly and a little scary if there are waves. Daddy and her went in the Jacuzzi at least once every day. And Reece actually loved it when I would sit him on the edge and let him kick his legs in the water.

Reece's first time in the hammock!

This was the first trip we didn't take Ember's booster seat to eat in. So, she got to sit at the big table and she sat in a different chair each meal!

Maci needs a haircut so we tied her long bangs up so she could see

Playing on the beach nicely by herself.

On our last night in Mexico, the house next door to us had a HUGE group of people come in - I'm talking about 20 kids and 6 adults coming to a 4 bedroom house. It was like watching clowns pile out of a little car at the circus. But, they had all kinds of toys and things including this personal para glider with an attached fan. It was just so fun to watch!!

(We later found out that one of the men next door was one of the owners of Squatty Potty... as seen on Shark Tank..... so that was pretty cool!)

Reece had his first bath in the sink in Mexico! Gotta love babies at bath time!

Another beautiful trip with great weather! We are hoping to come back at the end of April to get one more trip in before it gets too hot in the summer! 

1 comment:

  1. So many great pictures!!! Love Reece's little suit and shirt! :) That picture of Reece sitting on the beach looking from behind him is AMAZING!! Love it!! Ember looks like a little DIVA when in town for dinner! And that sunset picture (pink one) looks so beautiful!! Love how Ember likes the Jacuzzi so much!!! And Reece in the hammock is too much to handle!! Ember's new chair every meal is too funny!! Poor Maci - can't see! :) Too cool about the next door neighbors commotion that was so interesting! No, family picture in front of the house this time?!?!?
