Monday, February 20, 2017

Reece - 12 Months Old


I mean - look at this adorable little 1 year old! He is 18 lbs 6 oz and 27 and 3/4 inches tall. Reece wakes up one time during the night and still takes a morning and an afternoon nap on most days! 

He loves walking along the couch, fireplace, chairs, etc. while holding on. He loves to clap whenever we say "yay" or if he sees or hears someone else clap. He loves to play peek-a-boo and still loves cuddling. He dislikes getting shots and his teeth coming in. He also isn't a fan of getting his diaper changed most times. 

Reece's favorite toys are balls and he is getting really good at throwing them. He also loves playing with wooden puzzle pieces and mini little books. Peek-a-boo is his favorite game with anything... hands over his face, blanket on his head, peaking around the wall or looking over the coach and surprising him. He also loves wrestling with Daddy and Ember. 

Reece can now officially stand by himself and balance. He likes to spin in a circle while sitting on his bottom. He now waves at people to say "bye" and likes to give big slobbery opened mouth kisses to everyone. 

We took Reece on his first ride in the bike trailer and he loved it. Ember started preschool this month and we have started having Mommy/Little Sibling play dates while the "big kids" are at school. We went to Camp Harvest in Williams where we got to play in the great outdoors, worship our great God,  eat good food, and fellowship with other people at our church. And of course Reece got to have his first birthday and birthday party... because he is now 1 YEAR OLD! 

We cannot imagine life without our little Reecey-Pie in it and are so excited to see more and more of who God has designed this special little boy to be! Looking forward to many many more memories and years together! 


More pictures from Reece's 11th month

1 comment:

  1. Why does it have to go so fast!!! LOVE the little overalls for his cake smash pictures!! (I had forgotten you did that!) He looks so grown up now that he is ONE!
