Monday, February 20, 2017

Reece - 11 Months Old

(Better WAY WAY late than never... haha! Right?!?!)

11 months old!! How does that happen!?!

(He was a little grumpy today)

Reece is staying pretty stable with his weight because he is constantly moving around. He now wakes up 1-2 times at night and takes 2 naps a day for 1-2.5 hours depending on the day. 

Reece loves standing next to anything and playing with anything he can get his adorable little hands on. He loves eating finger foods, pouches, and puree's. His favorite foods are applesauce, sweet potatoes, butternut squash, carrots, veggie straws, deli meat, bananas and bananas. Reece still loves taking baths. He loves being tickled and cuddling. His favorite place for his head is to rest it on our shoulder. He loves smiling! And he loves getting into trouble wherever he is (chords, cupboards, sound machines, monitor cameras, etc.) Reece dislikes being told "no" and being physically removed from something when he doesn't listen to "no." He also dislikes his face being wiped after eating or if he has boogers.

One of Reece's favorite games is making faces at people. He loves doing squinty-eyed smiles at people. He loves his activity cube still and has fallen in love with playing with corks! Reece loves taking walks in the stroller. He loves any ball and anything that makes noise or lights up. He plays with Maci's toys way more than she does and loves the ones that squeak. He also loves the rocking horse that plays music and sings and Ember's old pink rock and ride-on toy that plays "I like to move it, move it."  

Reece has gotten better and better at standing and can do it by himself some. He is getting very good at walking while holding Mom and Dad's hands. Ember also helps Reece walk while holding his hands. I also learned how to drink from my sippy cup on my own. 

Reece went to his first Fourth of July parade which he loved watching all the activity. We got Reece his big boy car seat which is the same as his sister's. His first and second teeth have broken through with makes chewing an option. And one of the biggest changes this month is us moving to a new house! Reece has a new room all to himself. And stairs to climb up and down. Lots of new things to get into :) 

One more month of life with this little guy as an infant before he is a one year old and toddling around everywhere. He keeps us moving and constantly swoons us with his little personality. We love you, Reece!

More pictures!

1 comment:

  1. What a fun little munchkin you have!! Sweet and happy little guy!!!
