Saturday, July 9, 2016

Reece - 10 Months Old

This little baby is getting too dangerously close to being a year old!! How does the time go so fast!?!? Reece is 10 months old now! 

Reece now weighs (   ) and is (  ) inches tall. He is still waking up about 2 times at night with an occasional surprise of only waking up once mixed in between. He wakes up for the day around 6:00 am most days as happy as can be and is taking two naps each day. 

Reece loves carrying toys around while he is crawling and them standing up and putting them on top of things like tables, boxes, the play kitchen. Then he knocks it off and gets down from standing, picks it back up, and does it again. He still really enjoys eating food and is a fairly good eater in terms of the variety of food he will eat. He loves to swing at the park and he also enjoys stroller rides as long as we keep moving. Reece is loving his sister more and more. He will crawl after her or go to the room she is in. If she comes near him to say "hi" or give him attention he squeals with joy. Reece has also started screaming and squealing just for the fun of it when he is happy. He can be very very loud. Reece dislikes not being able to touch the off limit things in our house like the dog dishes, the blu-ray player, our computers, and cords. He will try and try again though. He gets an A+ for persistent. 

His favorite toys are his activity cube, any ball, wheels that he can spin, and taking the refrigerator magnets off the fridge in the kitchen. His favorite game is still "peek-a-boo" and doing anything with his sister! He also plays a game where if you look at him and do a long blink, he will copy you and do a long blink back. 

Reece can now crawl with things in his hands. He can walk along the couch, table, bouncer, etc while holding on to it. And he can also say things like "maw maw" and "la la." 

Reece went on his first plane ride this month to visit his cousins in Fargo. He got to meet baby Drayden for the first time too. He also got to try eating shredded deli meat this month and really enjoys it.

 When Dustin or I come home after being gone for a little bit, Reece now speed crawls to us with a happy grin on his face and then rests his head on our shoulder as soon as we pick him up. He also stands in the crib and waits for Daddy to tuck Ember in at night and then give him a kiss at bedtime. Then he lays back down like that was what he wanted. However, there are many nights where Ember and Reece will be laughing and squealing together in their room for 10-15 minutes before they fall asleep. It is music to our ears as parents. 

More pictures :) 

1 comment:

  1. His personality just keeps blossoming!! Hard to believe he will be 1 in two months!!
