Saturday, July 9, 2016

Reece - 8 Months Old

This sweet boy is 8 months old!! 

Reece is a big 8 month old! He has been waking up two times a night right around 11pm and than 3 am. And he is almost completely transitioned to only 2 naps per day which is really nice because it makes it a lot easier to do things at night without having to bring a pack n' play. 

He loves to crawl, crawl, crawl all over the place! He especially likes to go to Maci's food and water dishes and make a mess and go to Maci's bed and try and play with her toys with her. Reece loves eating solids with the family in his booster. He dislikes having his face wiped after eating. And he doesn't like us stopping him from getting into mischief. 

His favorite game is "Peel-a-boo" and he loves to explore and play with anything new. He still loves his bouncer and is becoming really interested in his activity cube as well. He still loves flying like super man, playing with toys in the bath, and being tickled. 

The new things that Reece has learned this month is being able to master picking up finger foods and getting them into his mouth on his own. He can now crawl on his hands and knees and sit up by himself from the laying position. Reece also learned how to spit and blow bubbles and he clapped with his hands closed.

There have been some more firsts for Reece this month. He had his first bath in the bathtub without his infant tub. He tried carrots, zucchini, and kale. And we also introduced him to puffs! He got to sit in a shopping cart for the first time this month which makes running errands so much easier. And finally, he went swimming for the first time. He really seemed to enjoy it! But he does like water so I wasn't too surprised.

It was another busy month for this little guy! We all grow to love him more and more and it is so much fun watching him grow and learn new things! 

Here are a few more pictures from the month!

1 comment:

  1. That is such a great picture of the kids with Grandpa!!
