Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Reece - 7 Months Old

Oh my goodness! I just can't get enough of this boys cuddles, smiles, squeals, and personality! Reece is now 7 months old! 

(Haha - this facial expression cracks me up every single time!)

Reece is now about 16 lbs 2 oz. and about 26.5 inches tall. He is consistently still waking up two times a night but still does great going right back to bed most nights. He has started waking up around 6 am which has pushed him back to 3 naps a day on most days.

Reece really really loves his bouncer! I usually have to take him out of it before he starts fussing because he would stay in there all day if we let him. He loves that he can bounce around and see everything going on around him. He loves to scoot around on his tummy and get to things that are near him. He loves exploring and eating any new toys. Reece has quickly become a fan of eating and really seems to enjoy meal time. He doesn't enjoy tipping and falling over when he is sitting and looses his balance.

Besides liking any new toys he comes across to explore, he still really likes his Sophie the giraffe. He loves pulling himself over to Maci's bed and "pet" her and play with her toys. He loves playing with his wipe container that is out in the living room for diaper changes. He also loves these little rubber finger puppets of Ember's for chewing on. 

Reece has learned quite a few skills this month. He can now eat pureed food and soft finger foods. He has tried avocado, peas, sweet potato, butternut squash, banana and apple. He sometimes likes them and sometimes doesn't right now. He scoots all over the place and pulls his body weight using his arms to get where he wants to go. Reece can also rock on his hands and knees now but isn't quite crawling. He has also found his tongue and sticks that in and out for fun. He can sit by himself really well too! 

Reece had some more first this month too. Obviously he had a lot of firsts as he entered solid food scene. He had two new cousins born - Drayden Brucks and Harper Evans. We had to move his pack and play bassinet out and put the pad all the way on the bottom for naps. And finally, Reece got to celebrate his first Easter complete with his very first Easter basket and lots of plastic eggs to chew on.

There is just something about a little boy that truly tugs on a Mommy's heart. I am loving being this little boys mom and he definitely is turning out to be a "mamma's boy" - which I love! I can't wait to see more and more of who God has created this little boy to be! 

Here is a picture of the big boy in his booster! 

1 comment:

  1. That 3rd picture is halarious!! Love the expression!
