Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Mexico in April!

Beautiful weather this trip in Mexico! It couldn't have been better. Plus, our cousin Matt and his daughter Sophie came too. Sophie is a little over a year older than Ember but they had so much fun playing together! 

Quad ride with Mima and Pappy and Bella

Ember and Sophie playing in the sand

Ready to hit the beach! 

Dinner on the boardwalk at a nice restaurant overlooking the ocean at sunset.

:) :) :)

We don't usually celebrate half birthdays but Uncle Lee bought a cake and it just so happened to be Ember's half birthday so we sang to her. And since then she hasn't stopped telling people that she is 3 and a half years old! 

I love the ocean because it is always full of surprises. You never know what is going to wash up on the shore. This trip a turtle shell appeared. So cool to look at.

Ready to go kayaking! 

Dustin snorkeling!

Ember got so brave on this trip and wanted to actually go in the ocean more than just up to her knees. She mostly hung onto Dad's hands but would let go for a few seconds at a time which is really good for her. We were proud of her.

Can't beat kiddos on the beach at sunset for some good pictures. And add in some jean overalls .... too cute to not take a ton of pictures. Here are just a few! 

It was a lovely time with perfect weather and great memories! 

1 comment:

  1. How fun to see the kids overcome past fears and try new things!! Great job Ember!
    Love the pictures on the beach at the end! Those overalls are just too much!

    Thanks for giving me something to look at while nursing!! :) haha
