Saturday, July 9, 2016

Reece - 9 Months Old

Another month we were blessed to spend with this sweet little boy! 

Reece now weighs 17 pounds and 12 ounces. He is constantly moving so I bet his weight is going to stabilize for a little bit. His sleep patterns are not very consistent but he wakes up 1-2 times at night and then usually takes 2 naps a day.

Reece loves crawling around and pulling up and standing by things. He still loves baths and eating food. He loves when people talk to him - especially his sister. He dislikes having to take medicine or having his snot sucked out of his nose so he can breathe enough to eat. He also dislikes waiting for us to give him his food.

Reece's favorite toys are his activity cube and the play kitchen. His favorite games are "peek-a-boo," being tickled, and standing by Ember's toddler bed and trying to "eat" her (good thing he still has no teeth.) 

Reece can now sit on his knees and bounce and pull up on everything he can reach the top of. He can now clap with open hands and he is starting to say things like "daw daw." 

Since he is standing so well now, we had to move his crib mattress down and he quickly learned how to stand in his crib. He tried his first sqeeze pouch and can drink them well with Mommy's help holding it. And this little sweetie is turning into quite the cuddler. He will often times just lay his head on your shoulder when you first pick him up. It is just so sweet and adorable.

This little guy is always on the move and plays hard! And it has been so fun to watch the relationship between Ember and Reece become more two sided and grow. I love watching my kids love each other! 

Here are some more pictures from the month!

1 comment:

  1. Love the last two pictures!! Those swings are so neat!!!! Whoever invented them is brilliant!!
