Monday, March 11, 2019

Kade - 7 Months Old

Kade is 7 months old!! 

Kade is 15 lbs and a little over 24 inches long. He is still sleeping in a pack n play in our room for naps and at night. He still wakes up 1-2 times a night on average and takes 3 naps most days with the last nap usually being pretty short. Kade usually wakes up around 7:00 am for the day and goes to bed a little after 7:00 pm. He is in size 2 diapers and wearing 3-6 month and 6 month clothes. 

Kade is such a little joy filled baby who likes to smile and coo most of the time. He loves it if anyone around him sings and he will usually start cooing to "sing" along. He also loves anyone talking to him directly and will start flapping his arms and smiling when someone is near him. He is on the move now and loves being able to explore around his surroundings. We got out some new toys and he has been liking playing with them. Kade likes being outside whether hanging out with us or on a walk in the stroller. He still loves baths and likes bouncing in the bouncer for short periods of time. He loves trying to grab at anything and everything within his reach and trying to get it into his mouth. His favorite toys are Sophie to chew on, a shape sorting bucket with shapes, and a Sesame Street pop up toy. 

There is still not too much that this sweet boy doesn't like. When he is tired he wants to be held and still fights getting his clothes on a little bit but besides that he is usually content overall.

Kade has learned quite a few things this month. The biggest thing is starting to learn how to eat solids. With that he has learned how to sit in the booster. He also is practicing picking up small foods like cooked peas. Another big thing he has learned is how to move around. He isn't crawling yet in the traditional sense but he can propel himself forward, backward, and sideways by pulling, pushing, scooting, and rolling. He has also learned how to get up on his hands and knees and rock. Kade has learned how to maneuver his tongue and lips more and enjoys sticking his tongue out and also making fish faces. He can also sit unsupported by himself now. My favorite thing he has learned is how to shriek with excitement. When I first get him up in the morning or after a nap and bring him around the corner from our room into the living room he will often shriek with excitement to see who is out there. He will also do this if you come over by him when he was by himself in the bouncer or his sit me up. It is adorable! 

Kade has had a lot of firsts this month as well. He had his first Valentine's Day. He ate his first solid foods and has tried avocado, sweet potato, pear, peas, and applesauce. He doesn't love any of them yet but has eaten them all at least some. He has gotten his first two teeth - the bottom, middle ones. He has gone swimming for the first time when we did a family swim day at the Aquaplex. He was pretty indifferent to the pool. He wasn't splashing and excited but he wasn't crying either. He also experienced his first record breaking snow storm in which Flagstaff got 33 inches of snow in just one day. 

This age is so fun because Kade is interacting and learning so much each day. The older kids still love him so much and get as excited as we do with each new milestone. They cheer him on along the way. Kade fits in so well and none of us can imagine life without him! 

Here are a few more pictures from the month:

1 comment:

  1. Love seeing all the pictures of his cutie! The miles between us is hard sometimes!!
