Thursday, April 11, 2019

Kade - 8 Months Old

Kade is 8 MONTHS OLD! 

This sweet and smiley little guy weighs right around 15 lbs and 4 oz and is about 24.5 inches long. Kade's sleeping patterns and location haven't changed much. He is still sleeping in a pack n' play in our room for naps and during the night. He usually wakes up 1-2 times a night and gets up for the day anywhere from 6:00-8:00 so you never know when he will choose to start his day. He usually goes to bed right around 7:30 after "helping" put his big brother and sister to bed. Kade still takes 3 naps on most days but if he sleeps and has at least one long nap he can get by with only two naps.  He is eating solid foods about 2 times per day. He is still in size two diapers and 3-6 month and 6 month clothes. 

Kade loves army crawling around and exploring. Someone in our Lifegroup called him a salamander because of how smooth he maneuvers around. He loves to climb under the coffee table and sit under it. He loves to crawl to where the action is and be a part of it. If he sees anything new on the floor he will quickly crawl to it to try and put it in his mouth before we catch him (his favorites are leaves from the plant, computer cords, and Maci's food and water dishes) Kade still loves baths, being outside, and getting attention. He will shriek with excitement when someone comes home or gives him close up attention. He surprisingly loves the vacuum and will crawl after it quickly to try and catch it. Kade is getting the hang of eating and is really enjoying it. His favorite foods are banana, pear, applesauce, carrot, and butternut squash but there is nothing that he refuses to eat. His current favorite toys are Sophie, his shape sorter bucket, and his activity cube. He also loves chasing any kind of ball around the floor. He loves Maci and is always trying to crawl toward her and grab her. One of his favorite things is when we come into the room to get him up from sleeping. When he sees us he will give a HUGE smile and then burrow his head in the bed and wiggle his whole body around like a little worm. He also really loves being sang to before going to sleep. He isn't one to laugh very often but he always does a good belly laugh when we try and eat his tummy or give him raspberries when changing his diaper. Such a beautiful noise! 

There are a few things that Kade does not enjoy. Reece and Ember really love to sit and hold him but now that he is on the move he would rather be exploring. Also, now that he moves, he is constantly putting himself in danger and he doesn't like when he takes little tumbles or bonks his head on something. Besides that he is usually happy go lucky unless he is tired or hungry. 

Kade still doesn't crawl on all fours but he has learned many other things. He can sit up by himself from the laying position and also get down to the laying position from sitting without just falling over. He is getting better and better at eating puree food from a spoon and also picking up and eating steaming food from his tray. Kade can climb up onto small platforms (like the coffee table or our legs) and also put his hands on and stands up on slightly taller things like his sit me up, Amazon boxes, and the open dishwasher. 

Kade had a few more firsts this month. He tried some new foods - carrots, bananas, and butternut squash. He ate them all. He also tried food pouches for the first time. He is still figuring out how those work exactly. Kade sat in the front of a grocery cart for the first time and got a lot of attention from fellow shoppers. He also went to the Phoenix Sonoran Preserve and Grand Falls (aka Chocolate Falls) for the first time.

This little guy truly is such a joy! His smiles are still overly generous. He is very laid back and good at going with the flow for the most part and loves being around all his family and our friends. We love you, Kade! 

Here are a few other pictures: 

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