Thursday, June 13, 2019

Kade - 10 Months Old

Our sweet, little Kade baby is 10 months old! 

Kade weighs about 16 lbs and is 26 inches long. We moved Kade into a pack n' play in the office at night for sleeping and he was only waking up one time for a while but then he got some boogers and started waking up 1-2 times a night. Kade is still napping in our room and almost always takes only 2 naps a day now. He goes to bed between 7:00-8:00 pm and wakes up between 5:00-7:00 in the morning. Kade is still in size 3 diapers and mostly 6-9 month shirts and 3-6 month pants. Kade has 4 teeth right now and looks like a hippo or a vampire because his top incisors came in before his top middle teeth. 

Kade is a mover and a shaker versus a sit and cuddle kind of boy so far. He crawls around and around everywhere and now pulls up and walks along things constantly as well. We have to keep things off the floor and low tables because he will get to it and grab it very quickly. He loves to talk and be apart of the noise going on in the house. He loves when his brother and sister get up in the morning or from quiet time. He loves following them around and playing with what they usually so graciously give him to explore. Kade loves being outdoors with this nice weather. He loves going on walks in the stroller or being in the Ergo. He talks and coos as we walk around. He also likes just sitting in the grass or on a blanket and watching what is going on. We also put him in his bouncer outside a lot when everyone is out there and he happily jumps around while watching the action. Kade still really loves to eat. He is starting to want finger foods more than pureed food and is doing well with it. He loves almost any kind of roasted vegetable. He loves bananas, mango, pears, puffs, veggie straws. and he is always up for trying something new. Kade still loves baths but is always trying to stand while in it. He likes water in general and enjoys splashing around in the pool as well. Kade's current favorite toys are his activity cube, his rings that form a long string or break apart, anything the big kids are playing with, and Beat Bo when it is turned on. He is turning into such a big boy and will crawl into the office and pull out a bin of toys all by himself and just play. He continues to like cardboard boxes to crawl into and stand up on. Kade loves when someone sings to him or tickles him. He still really enjoys loud noises and has grown fond of getting his nose cleaned out with saline and the Nosa Frida.

This little mover isn't a fan of being put in the carseat or getting his diaper or clothes changed because it requires staying in one spot. He has had some boogers for a lot of the past month from a combo of sickness, teething, and possible allergies and doesn't enjoy getting his nose wiped multiple times a day. 

Kade has learned a few new things this month. He is getting better and better at standing and walking along things. Kade is also getting more and more sounds in his vocabulary. He says "mama," "dada," "ba," and even "hi" pretty clearly and on command or while imitating someone. Kade has learned to clap this month as well and does so whenever someone else claps or says "yay." 

Kade has had a few more firsts this month as well. He has tried some new foods: chicken, mango, spinach, turkey, and veggie straws. And he doesn't sleep in the same room as us anymore at night.

We continue to enjoy every minute and day with Kade as he is just such a lovely baby. We thank God for his laid back spirit and fun personality often! 

Here are a few more pictures of this cutie pie! 

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