Monday, July 15, 2019

Kade - 11 Months Old

Ahh! 11 months old! Only one more month to go till a year old! Time is flying by too fast with this sweet boy at such a fun age! 

Kade weighs around 16 lbs 4 oz and is 26 3/4 inches long. He is still sleeping in the office at night and in a pack n' play in our room for naps but he just started SLEEPING THROUGH THE NIGHT! Hooray! He goes to bed between 7:00-8:00 and wakes up between 6:30-7:30 usually. He is also in the process of transitioning from taking two naps a day to taking only one longer nap a day. He switches back and forth between the two right now. Kade wears size 3 diapers still and is in mostly 6-12 month clothes with still a few 3 month size pants since he is still pretty tiny. Kade got 3 more teeth this past month and thankfully was as happy as ever during the process of those coming in. People comment all the time about his teeth and he loves doing a silly, cheesy smile and showing them off. 

Kade spends most of his day crawling around and exploring his surroundings, playing with toys, carrying household objects around, and "playing" with anyone who will give him attention or is sitting or laying on the floor. He loves climbing any of us like a jungle gym or having us hold him up in the standing position. He is constantly pulling up on everything and walking around things while holding on. He loves being outside and has done very well on multiple hikes we have taken this past month. He loves taking his hat off when he is in the Ergo and just randomly talking as we hike. He really likes playing in water as long as it is not splashing him outside of his control. He loves water tables and he likes being in the pool. Kade continues to love eating. He prefers pouches and finger foods to being spoon fed purees. His favorite foods are banana, grapes, cherries, roasted carrots, sweet potato fries, tater tots, veggie straws and turkey burger. Kade also still really likes loud noises and vibrating things. He loves the electric foam roller when that is on. He crawls to find the vacuum or my blow dryer and he holds out an "ahhh" noise on bumpy roads. Kade's current favorite toys are the water table, a little squirting bath toy ball, the bin of kitchen toys, cardboard boxes. He loves playing peek-a-boo, having people jump and land on their tummy's on the bed while he is watching, and pulling the kitchen towels down from the oven rack. 

Kade still doesn't always like to be changed or be put into his car seat. He is also getting to the age where he gets mad if you take something from him that he was chewing on or try to stop him from doing something that isn't safe. Other than that he is such a go with the flow, down for anything kind of kid. 

Kade has learned a few more things this month. He has learned to climb stairs and tries to anything we forget to lose the gate at the bottom of the stairs. He has learned how to get snacks out of his snack catcher. Kade also has learned to put his hands up above his head when asked "how big is Kade?" He is learning more and more sounds and enjoys singing, talking, and babbling. 

There have been a few more firsts this month for Mr. Kade. He went in the Kelty carrier (kindly given to us by friends) for the first time. He played in a water table for the first time. Kade watched his first soccer game and 4th of July parade. He also got to see his first fireworks which I am pretty sure he did not move or blink once during. He tried a few new foods such as apricot, grapes, cheese, egg yolk, hamburger and cheerios. He went camping for the first time and to Summit Gymnastics for the first time. 

It has been a busy summer month with lots of activities and days where we are constantly on the go. Kade has done exceedingly well with keeping up with us all and has enjoyed all the outdoor adventures. We are daily thankful for Kade being a part of our family! 

More pictures from the past month:

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