Tuesday, December 4, 2012

1 Month Old

We all made it to 1 month!! :) It has been a wonderful month! Here are her 1st month balloon pictures! Hard to take at 1 month old but I am very happy with how they turned out!

Ember is growing by leaps and bounds. It is amazing how quickly they go from being completely helpless to learning so much and being able to start doing things on their own. Ember eats about every 3 hours during the day. She is awake for about 1 1/2 hours and then takes about a 1 1/2 hour nap. She takes her naps and sleeps at night in her crib. For her naps, she falls right asleep usually when we swaddle her, lay her down, and turn on her Slumber Buddy. Around 5 pm each night is her fussy time. She cries off and on and fights sleep. We try to read her a story and rock her at bedtime. She wakes up about every 4-5 hours at night to eat and is very good at going right back to sleep. She is starting to get head control, she can turn to where a sound is, she tracks moving objects, and she is getting a strong little grasp. She is smiling, but not at us quite yet. She likes to coo and smack her lips together. She snorts alot when she cries and loves her singing stork that sits on her changing table. She loves baths, being on the changing table, and the Moby wrap. She isn't too fond of her car seat but will fall asleep in it fairly easy as long as the car keeps moving. She is a great eater and is growing quick. We cannot wait to see what will happen in this next month.

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