Sunday, December 30, 2012

Catching up!

Wow! I haven't posted in a LONG while... :( Mesa visit with the Brucks was AMAZING but Ally did such a GREAT job posting about it that I am not going to :) Here are a few pictures of my little darling dear as she continues to GROW WAY TOO FAST! :) 

Here is Ember all bundled up to take coffee to daddy at work :) She liked her warm cozy suit!

Ember picking her nose and wiping it on Maci :) They just get along swell... 

Ember's new first love is her play gym! She moves her arms and kicks her little feet and makes all kinds of noises when she is under it and playing!

She is just now starting to be able to KINDA fit into 0-3 month clothes and 3 month clothes! This outfit is a little big but so so cute! 

Finally, we are slowly trying to let Ember experiment with sleeping in her crib (naps only right now) without having to be swaddled. This day she took 3 naps without her swaddle. It hasn't happened since so I think she was just really tired :)

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