Tuesday, December 4, 2012

A few more firsts...

Ember started moving around in her crib. This picture (of the monitor) was the first time she turned sideways and now she does it almost every time! :) Silly little swaddle scooter.

Daddy got to feed Ember her first bottle. She ate about an ounce and then started fussing and wouldn't take any more. We tried again the next day and she ate about an ounce and a half before she didn't want any more. Hopefully she will get more and more used to it before I have to go back to work.

1 comment:

  1. That is silly that she is scooting around! :) Wonder how she does it! Have you been able to watch her do it at all? Or just find her in a new position?
    I hope she learns to take the bottle better too! What a sweet picture of daddy and daughter!
