Sunday, June 9, 2013

7 Months Old!

Little Ember Renee is now 7 months old! And my oh my what a lot of changes and 1st's we have had throughout the past month. The biggest change this month was the start of solids. The first thing Ember had was rice cereal and she did very very well with it. A few weeks after first giving her rice cereal she got to try oatmeal cereal which she gobbled up happily. She gets oatmeal cereal two times a day on most days. She kicks and almost shakes with excitement when we put her in her booster chair as she waits for us to feed her. Another big thing this month was our trip to Rocky Point Mexico for her Uncle Jared and new Aunt Hope's wedding. Ember exceeded our expectations for how well she behaved on the car ride and then also when we were there. She ate well, slept well, played happily, and was just an overall very laid back and well behaved baby. She got to see the ocean for the first time, feel the sand in her hands and toes, and relax in the ocean breeze.  Some of her many other firsts this month was Ember went on her first river delivery trip with her Pappy on a Thursday afternoon, she went to her first Kite Festival, went to her first birthday party for little Addilyn Mews who just turned 1, and got to have her first fire pit in Mima and Pappy's backyard. I had my first mother's day with Ember this year and it was so much fun and amazing how the holiday is so much different once you have a child of your own.  We also had dinner with our neighbors this month and Ember got to meet Baby Evelyn (Evi) who is only a few weeks older than Ember. Ember is still not quite sleeping though the night. She usually sleeps till around 3:00 - 4:00 and then eats and goes back down for the rest of the early morning. She also decided this month that she wanted to start moving about. She started getting up on her hands and knees and rocking back and forth, she learned how to scoot backwards on the laminate floor, and she taught herself how to sit from the laying position. She still loves to talk and will go back and forth screaming with her daddy. She also likes to be tickled and does adorable little giggles when you tickle her neck or rib cage. The last day of this month was a HUGE day. It was not only Ember's 7 month birthday, it was also the last day that I had to work and the day I officially became a stay at home mom with my little sweetie. And to put a cherry on top of it all, Ember started to crawl too! Watch out world, Ember Renee Evans is on the move!

Ember had fun playing a mist her monthly celebration balloons once they lost their helium! 

1 comment:

  1. What an exciting month this little girl had. She is growing so much! So many changes, so many new stages of life! Thanks for keeping up with photos and updates. It helps when you are so far away! :)
    Love you and miss you all!
