Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Jared and Hope's Wedding Weekend in Mexico

We were very lucky to be able to go down to Rocky Point, Mexico for Jared and Hope's wedding weekend. It was a beautiful location and a fantastic time! Here are some of the highlights (since I am not going to post ALL 360 pictures I took :)

Wednesday Night

We arrived Wednesday night and Ember was HAPPY to get out of the car seat and play by the cactus with Christmas lights on it.


There is nothing like waking up to a view like this.

Dustin, the groom and one of Hope's brothers decided to go boogie boarding once the water came in. It was really windy and the waves were some of the biggest I have seen in Mexico. Alyssa tried riding a wave in once but got thrown down pretty hard and she was done after that.

Here is the soon to be Mr. and Mrs. Jared Evans and Sylar - their pitbull

After a nice day hanging out around the house and out in the sun, it was time for REHEARSAL DINNER! We had a delicious taco bar and just hung out with the family and friends of Jared and Hope.

(Look how big Corbin is now)

And there is no better way to finish off a busy night but with a nice little fire to stay warm by :) 

Friday - Wedding Day

We were relaxing out on the patio around 8:30 in the morning.....

when the workers came and started to set things up. And they never stopped until it was go time. We thought it was funny that the bar area was the first thing to be set up. Here are a few pictures of the process.

While all this was going on.. we took Ember down to the ocean for the first time, Molly, Jared, the best man, and Ryan got a massage on the beach, and Ember got a bath in the bathroom sink. 

(Ember just wanted to grab the sand and eat it)

(Thanks for the good idea Brucks Family)

Then it was finally time for the wedding to begin!


We had more delicious Mexican food - chilie rellanos, tamales, chicken fajitas, and lots and lots of rice and beans :) 


We started off the day right with some Stuffed French Toast with Blueberry Sauce which I made for everyone at Casa Alegre. Today was nice and relaxing. We hung out by the beach, got some mangos on a stick, and watched the workers take DOWN all of the wedding equipment and such. 

Sunday - Last Full Day :(

Today we took it easy again and relaxed. Ember hung out with Dustin in the hammock and we went on a long walk down the beach with Ember in her Ergo carrier! 



We woke up at 6:00 am and were in the car leaving at 7:00 am. We had a great drive home besides the 45 minutes wait at the border. We stopped at Ryan and Molly's in Buckeye for some breakfast and to feed Ember. We had some tired babies on the way home. 

It was a wonderful trip! We couldn't have asked for anything to go more smoothly or for Ember to behave any better! We are much looking forward to spending a whole week at Casa Alegre in July! Thank God for relaxing and enjoyable vacations!

1 comment:

  1. It looked so nice and relaxing....and warm! :) All that sun!!!!
    Lots of good pictures!
    The sand footprint one turned out superb! Her foot is so little! :)
    The wedding looked beautiful!
    I love how Ember sucks her fingers! :) Too cute!
    Thanks for putting up so many!
