Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Sheraton Crescent Weekend Getaway

Dustin had Friday off so we took advantage of the little longer weekend and the cheap deals in PHX due to such extreme heat and created a mini getaway.  After a great meal and time at Grandma and Grandpa Flins (brats, delicious apple pie, and Starbucks in the morning) we headed over to the hotel.

Ember loved crawling around and playing on the bed

We fed her sweet potatoes for the first time and then took her down to the pool for the first time. She didn't cry once in the pool but we think she was a little unsure because she sucked her fingers almost the whole time :)

That night we went down to the hotel's restaurant for dinner and then hung out in the room until the little one was tired! 

On Saturday, we got breakfast from the Coyote Cafe (on the hotel grounds) and then headed down to the pool shortly after. Ember seemed a little more excited to be in the water this time.

Ember was worn out after the morning and fell asleep on the bed :)

That night we went out to Texas Road House for dinner (Ember's first time) and had a delicious meal. The "Yehaw" and cheering after the birthday song really scared her but besides that it was WONDERFUL as usual.

Sunday - FATHER'S DAY!

We got breakfast at the hotel again and went swimming one more time. 

Then we packed up, got some Jamba Juice, and headed back up the mountain. It was a great getaway and Ember did very good (as usual). Thankful for a chance to spend time with our little family and create awesome memories :) 

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