Friday, June 27, 2014

Happy Father's Day!

HAPPY FATHER'S DAY TO MY HANDSOME HUSBAND WHO IS A PATIENT, UNDERSTANDING, LOVING, AND EXTREMELY FUN FATHER TO EMBER. He said it himself - "I love her so much my heart hurts!" And I am thankful for his love and protection for her which I can see growing more and more every day!

For Father's Day this year, we started the morning off with going to Criollo Latin Kitchen for breakfast with Dustin's family because Jared and Hope were in town. It was a great breakfast out on their patio.

We started a few traditions this year that Dustin and I are both excited about. Every year for Father's Day, the kids (AKA... me for now) will pick out a book about dad's to give to Dustin. We will trace their hand prints in the cover and write a short note for Dad. Here is Ember giving Dada her book this year!


I will also have the kids fill out one of these little questionnaires about their daddy (I also had to do this this year obviously) 

and we will store that and a picture of Dustin with the kiddo(s) in that book.

I think it will be something special for Dustin to look back on throughout the years! Here is Dustin reading Ember the book (and giving kisses) he got for Father's Day!



  1. Okay, seriously?? What a GREAT idea and such a fun tradition. Another one that I want to steal…. hahaha. I may have to do a variation of this for Father's Day next year. I never know what to do! The book idea is so sweet. And what a fun thing to look back on as the years go by.

  2. Well I agree! What a fun tradition. Mom mentioned something about it, but I didn't get all of it! So thank you for the explanation! A reason to buy new books is always a good idea! :) What a fun little library Dustin will have of special books to read! And those ties are just so cute to...but what makes them so nice looking are the smiles underneath them! :) You are so creative!!

  3. LOVE LOVE LOVE THAT IDEA!!!! I know what I'm doing next year.... ;)
