Monday, June 30, 2014

Sedona Day Trip!

Sedona just opened up a new splash pad recently and since we do not have one in Flagstaff, we decided to take a day trip! 

We stopped by Wildflower on the way and ate a delicious brunch then headed to the park/splash pad!

The park was really cool! It had a really neat splash pad and then two separate playground areas each covered by huge sun shades to keep things cool. One playground was designed especially for toddlers and the other one was for bigger kids! Ember ABSOLUTELY LOVED the toddler playground. Everything was her size and her developmental level. She played on the playground more than the splash pad but definitely loved both! Here are some pictures of our time there!

Then after a LONG nap... Ember got to do some Ninja training at Luke's 4 year birthday party!!


  1. I love the pink crocks! Jace just outgrew his black ones. They were so perfect for getting wet in and so easy to slip on and off. That looks like such a fun splash pad!

  2. What a fun day trip all together! :) the weather looked perfect too! :) What fun memories!
