Monday, June 30, 2014

Yellow Duck

Here is what our week of YELLOW and DUCKS looked like! 

(We are both really truly enjoying this!! I'm EXCITED!)

Read "Brown Bear Brown Bear" again each day

Explored Yellow Objects

Sang Duck Song:
"Five Little Ducks Went out One Day..."

Read Other Duck Books:
"Duck Soup" - Jackie Urbanovic
"I'm a Duck" - Teri Sloat
" Duck Skates" - Lynne Berry

Watched Some Duck Videos and a Video about Yellow

Colored Duck Picture Yellow

Played with Rubber Ducks in a Water Sensory Bin
(Could have used food color to make the water blue or yellow - but didn't want to stain any clothes)

Created a Duck Hat
(Ember loves this thing... but NOT ON HER HEAD)

Stamped with Rubber Ducks in Yellow Paint

Went to a Pond to Feed Ducks, of course!

Worked on our Matching Heads and Tails Cards again

She still did not get it completely but we are making progress! :)

Oh... and birds are not the only things that like our bird seed craft from Red Bird week ;)


  1. How cute! What fun activities! :)

  2. Love the duck hat!! :) It's cute off the head too! And feeding ducks...way to get that in. It is so much fun!
