Thursday, August 28, 2014

Black Sheep

Here are our activities for BLACK and SHEEP!

We read "Brown Bear" every day

We watched some videos about sheep

We explored a black object bin

We read some other books about black and sheep:

"Black" - Dahl
" Black Book of Colors" - Cottin
"No Sleep for Sheep" - Beaumont
" Sheep" - Mindon
"Boo & Baa" - Landstom

We colored a sheep picture black

We played in a black shredded paper sensory bin

We created a construction paper strip sheep 

We painted with a balloon using black paint

Then we cut out the balloon prints and made them into little black sheep

And I hid them in different rooms in our house and Ember worked on her numbers by counting while I was hiding them and counting them as she found them. She LOVED this! We did this many many times!

(We forgot to work on heads and tails matching this week)


  1. Yay for Black sheep week! What fun crafts and activities!

  2. And you were worried about coming up with things for black sheep (since they usually are white)...but no problem! You did great!! :) That black shredded paper looked different than from shredded paper...what was it?
