Monday, August 4, 2014

Purple Cat

Here is our Purple Cat week activities! 

Explored the color purple

Watched videos about cats and kittens

Colored a picture of a cat purple

Read some other books about PURPLE and CATS

"Pete the Cat" - Dean
"Cat Tale" - Hall
"Purple" - Schuette
"Harold and the Purple Crayon" - Johnson

Painted paper plate purple

Then made it into a purple cat stick puppet

Made purple Jello 

Ate purple Jello for snack
(I tried to make it in the shape of a cat but it wasn't quite solid enough)

Purple Foam Sensory Bin

Made cat craft while talking about circles and triangles

Tried the heads and tails matching again!

Another good week! Ember's purple cat hand puppet is on the guest bed in her room and almost every time we get her up in the morning or from a nap she points to it and says "Oh! Purple Cat!" Hee hee! I think she likes it :) 


  1. I am so glad your library has those color books. They were so helpful. Simple and too the point! That's cute that Ember liked her purple cat so much! It did turn out really cute! I like the shape one too!! - good idea! What was the purple foam made out of?

  2. The purple foam was extremely easy - you put 1/4 cup of water, a "squirt" of dish soap and food coloring color of choice in a food processor and process until it is foamy and peaks! It stays for a while and then starts turning into a liquid again. The original source recommended doing it outside and not with light colored clothes because the food coloring can stain once it starts to turn back into water.

    1. Never would have guessed that. Seems nice and easy! Thanks!
