Monday, August 18, 2014

White Dog

Here is what we did for WHITE and DOG!

Read "Brown Bear" every day

Explored a White object bin

Read other books about white and dogs
"A Ball for Daisy" - Raschka
"A Dog is a Dog" - Shaskan
"White" - Dahl

"Colored" a picture of a white dog (didn't have a white crayon so we more just looked and talked about this!)

Watched videos on dogs and puppies

Painted with white paint on black paper

Made a white dog with cotton balls for texture

Made a white dog out of a cereal box and then worked on identifying shapes and numbers by feeding the dog (Ember LOVED this one and plays with it almost every day still)

Moon Sand Sensory Bin
This was really really cool and so easy! But it is pretty messy so I would recommend doing it outside and in just a diaper :)

- 1 16 oz box of cornstarch
- shaving cream till reaches the consistency you want

Heads and Tails matching again! Ember is still getting better and better at this - just slowly!

Another FUN week! Black Sheep is next.


  1. Oh that cereal box dog is so cute! It's always fun when they want to play with things more than just the one time learning with it! Lots of fun things! Great job! The coloring comment cracked me up! :) haha!

  2. I love the cereal box idea!! how fun!!! I am may have to do this in a few months with Jace! :)

  3. What a sweet picture of Ember! She is getting so big!
