Sunday, July 27, 2014

Flagstaff Terrain Mud Run

Dustin and I, along with some friends, participated in the Flagstaff Terrain Mud Run on July 26. We chose to do the 5k race and had alot of fun with it! It was alot more challenging that we had anticipated but we were happy with our time and enjoyed the adventure of it all! We would do this one or something similar again sometime!

Here is our group/team pre race.
(Left: Lauren (HAPT trainer), Ryan, Kristin, Brad (Jeff's friend), Dustin, Me, and Jeff)

Some more pre race pictures!

In a 3 mile run, we probably had about 60-70 obstacles we had to do - with 40-50 of them being jumping over man made horse obstacles like big logs, wooden boxes, etc. The race took place at the fairgrounds and there is an equestrian horse obstacle course around that area and they conveniently used almost every horse obstacle for our race. Other obstacles included: incline to decline monkey bars, slip in slides. vertical and horizontal cargo nets. carrying sandbags and buckets of water, climbing a tall wall with a rope, sliding down a pole, crawling through tunnels or through mud, going under barbed wire or caution tape, and swimming across a bleaker box filled with water deep enough I could not stand! It really was tiring but it was incredibly fun all at the same time!


Post race pictures!

Ember was a little unsure about us once we came over to say "hi" to her after the race! She kept staring at us trying to figure out what was wrong and then told us we were dirty and needed a wipe! Haha! Cute!

Thank you to Grandma and Grandpa Flin for watching Ember so we could do this race and bringing her to cheer us on! She loves her grandparents!! And their visit was a good excuse to get some pictures before church!


  1. I totally want to do this next year! That sounds like so much fun!

  2. WOW! I am just exhausted reading all that you had to go through! :) Sounds like a blast! Way to finish strong! That cracked me up about Ember not being quite sure of you too...but she figured out what needed to happen - get clean! Little smarty pants!
    Always is helpful with extra hands around to get a good family picture! :) Looks great!
