Monday, July 14, 2014

Blue Horse

4 weeks down with "Brown Bear Brown Bear" - 5 weeks to go! And still going strong! Here is what we did for our week focusing on BLUE and HORSES.

Explored BLUE objects

We read a few books on horses (had trouble finding very many this week)

"Horse" - Malachy Doyle
"In the Horse Stall" - Patricia Stockland

Colored a picture of a HORSE, BLUE

Watched some videos about horses

Made blue play dough and then made hoof prints in it with toy horses

Created a collage by putting pieces of blue painter's tape on a horse template

Took a blue bath

Dyed Epson salt blue and used it for a sensory bin 
(TRY DOING THIS! So easy and really cool!)

This week was especially special because I LOVED horses when I was little so Grandma and Grandpa Flin brought up my horse toys and my big stuffed horse for Ember to play with as well.

Another fun week! Ember knew the color blue before this week! And she sometimes will actually call a horse a "horse" but most of the time it is a "neigh." Oh well, haha! It is cute!


  1. Ember's a natural in the kitchen!! Looks like fun! And how cool that mom brought up the horses. Good thinking! The Espon salt looks really neat! Will have to try it! And way to go for having blue toys to play with in the salt! Some weeks work better than others! :) Glad Ember is catching on to colors so quickly!

  2. I found a way to dye rice blue that I was going to do for this lesson in the future but I'll have to look into epson salt! How awesome! looks like another fun week!
