Sunday, July 27, 2014

Parent/Tot Swimming Lessons

This was our second summer doing Parent/Tot swim lessons. We did them with Addilyn and Aleecia again but Katie and Evelyn also joined in on the fun. Ember was more able to do most of the things this time around (not saying she WOULD do them all but she was able) and it really seemed to help her feel more comfortable in the water. Every day when we got her up in the morning she would start saying "wawa (water), kick, bubbles, swimsuit." She seemed to be excited to go but then wasn't always excited to be there once we arrived. One day we walked up to the pool and she said "bye bye." But overall it was great experience and so fun to do it with friends! 


  1. How fun to do swim lessons with some friends! I am thinking about putting Jace in lessons next summer. He isn't a super huge fan of the pool this year, so hopefully by next year he will like it better. :)

  2. That is the cutest swimsuit! :) I love it! Glad you got a 3rd friend to come along and do it with you guys!
