Saturday, February 28, 2015

Evans and Brucks in Mesa

Can I just say... I LOVE FAMILY! And I love when we can all be together since it doesn't happen too often after the original 4 of us split live in 3 different cities and 2 different states. When we get together, we take SO MANY pictures but honestly that only captures a small part of the fun and the memories that are made. So, here is glimpse (in no particular order) of our week together in warm Mesa, Arizona! 

Lots of playing! And my am I thankful for how well the two oldest got along this time. They would just follow and chase each other EVERYWHERE! 

We celebrated my Dad's 60th birthday this trip and put together "60 Years of Memories" for him to open up about 8 envelopes each night throughout the week we were all there. 

We went to the Phoenix Zoo! Ember loved it as much this time as her first time!

Love my girl!

Playing with these two sweeties!

Grandpa Flin got to come over and be a part of all the craziness :) 

Something about cousin bath time is just too darn cute!

This was one of Ember's favorite things to do outside

Daddy came down!! 

We got family pictures taken! They all turned out so GOOD!

Later we got some delicious frozen yogurt and gelato at the new place near my parents' house!

More play time!! 

Texas Road House for dinner (outside! We ate dinner out here alot!)

Then we officially sang and celebrated dad's birthday with his closest family and friends!

Park time with Grandma and Grandpa

Just chilling in the beautiful weather!

We got to get together with our life long dear friends and their kids one morning! It was so fun to catch up and watch all the kiddos interact and play!

Oh, these too! They just couldn't get enough of each other and Ryken even said that he was going to marry Ember ;)

Bahama Bucks treat night!

Last picture of Grandma and the grand kids all together on this trip!

We are already looking forward to the next time we will all be together! Thank you God for bringing us all together for a whole week of FUN and MEMORIES!

1 comment:

  1. Great job capturing our time together!! Liked the way you did it, since all the picture I uploaded in the picture account came in out of order!!!
    It was such a wonderful time together and in such beautiful weather!! Can't wait till next time...and most likely it will be far enough down the road that Evans baby #2 will be born and beautiful!! Already looking forward to it!
