Monday, March 2, 2015


After trying to get pregnant with our second baby for about a year, the Lord answered our prayers and we are overjoyed, humbled, and so grateful for His goodness to our family.

We found out Christmas morning which was better than every Christmas present we could have asked for.

And it just so happened that after we found out, our neighbors offered us some champagne and orange juice that they had left over from making mimosas. 

And then to top it off - it started snowing!

Here is a picture from our first ultrasound that we had around 9 weeks! Such a tiny little jelly bean! 

After weeks of waiting, we finally made our wonderful news PUBLIC! Here are some of the pictures we took!

God is perfect in his timing and knows why NOW is the time for our second child. We have learned a lot about waiting on God's timing this past year. But, I wouldn't trade the precious time we had with just our first little miracle :) Thank you, Lord, for our growing family! 

And just to keep things real... here is the first picture we got to announce our pregnancy! Ember was having a rough day :/


  1. Praising God for your growing family! :)

  2. Hahahahaha! That picture! So funny!

    I praise God with you! Having experienced the same waiting, I know the ups and downs, and also the enjoying of the time you get with just one child too! :) I'm so excited for baby Evans. God is so kind to answer this prayer!

    Also, I actually was suspicious of you maybe being pregnant on Christmas day because you look SO HAPPY in that picture of you three in the snow that you posted on Instagram. That was actually my first thought when I saw the picture because there is just pure joy on your face. But of course I wasn't going to ask. :) But it's funny to look back and think I WAS RIGHT! :)

    Grow baby Evans grow! So fun to have both sets of our children 3 months apart or less. :)

  3. Love the celebration pictures! And rightfully so, defiantly a reason to celebrate!!! We rejoice and praise God with your family!!! Can't wait!!

    And Steph, once we knew about the baby, I asked Kristin if they took those pictures out in the snow shortly after...cause I too, saw such pure joy in their faces!
