Sunday, March 22, 2015

17 Weeks

Praising God that we are at 17 weeks with Baby Evans #2!! 

I am feeling much better than during the first trimester but still not quite as good as I did when I was pregnant with Ember. Definitely nothing to complain about though. My belly is a little bigger at this point than it was with Ember. And I am excited for the bump to look a little more bumpish :) 

And Grandma and Grandpa Flin were visiting this weekend so we got a family picture too that I just can't help but share! :) 


  1. YAY! I love the belly shot! :) You look fantastic friend!!

  2. You look GREAT!!! What an adorable little baby bump!!! Makes it so much more real! :) Can't wait to find out if it's a baby he or a baby she!

  3. Oh I have been waiting for this!!! :) You sure make pregnancy look good! So thankful God saw it good to let you experience growing another baby!! Sorry you aren't feeling great, but glad it isn't anything too terrible! What a beautiful family picture! Thanks for sharing your cute bump and like Steph said, can't wait to find out with you what baby is!!!
