Wednesday, March 18, 2015


We finished our tot school unit on the book Corduroy! Such a cute book and fun unit! Get ready for lots of buttons :) 
(And I forgot to take pictures of some of the things when Ember was actually doing them so the cuteness factor in the pictures is much lower!)

We read the book every day!

Watched the animated version of the book on YouTube

We sorted buttons according to colors into a muffin tin

We laced a shoelace through the holes on these laminated buttons. She got really good at doing this all by herself! 

Further work on counting and number recognition with buttons

We made "button" shaped cookies! They looked really cute pre oven...

And lets just say they tasted good post oven - haha!

We painted and created a little Corduroy bear fun

(I saw such a huge improvement on Ember's ability and interest in painting on this activity. She painted every inch of the green overalls all by herself and stayed in the lines pretty well. It is fun to see small improvements and things suddenly just click for them!)

We made a button necklace!

We sang and acted out the Teddy Bear Turn Around Song - many many times....

For our sensory bin this unit we searched for buttons in the rice

And we reviewed and worked on shapes some more!

Another fun unit! It was a little rushed since I wanted to finish it before we left for Mexico but still lots of good learning and quality time for Ember and Mommy! 

Ember has started asking me daily "Mom, what are we going to do today?" Haha! And she is almost always referring to what we are going to do for Tot School because she genuinely LOVES it! 


  1. This is SO cute! And we have this book! :) I may just have to use these ideas for Kade one day..... one day when he has a little bit more of an attention span! ;) She did so great with the painting! It is fun to see them improve in areas as time goes on! Way to go Ember!

  2. It's so great Ember loves learning and doing special things with the books!! I bet that encourages you to keep at it even when you might not feel like it! Buttons sure make for some fun learning games! Those cookies sure did look so cute...and how they taste it really all that matters! That necklace is to cute on her too! Great job! Nicely done!!
