Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Ember Turns 3!!

How can it be that my baby girl is 3 YEARS OLD! Both Dustin and I were very nostalgic and emotional this 3rd birthday of Ember's. We watched the DVD I made of her first year of life and were both balling by the end of it. She is growing up too quickly and it is hard to explain the love and affection that develops between a parent and child. 

Here are a few pictures of our beautiful 3 year old girl! 

Ember is now 27 pounds and 6 oz (16% for age) and 35.5 inches tall (16% for her age). She has been potty trained for a year with very few accidents still and sleeps in her toddler bed for night and naps when she takes one. We do a quiet time now in the middle of the day where Ember can choose to play or take a nap but she must stay in her room either way for a set amount of time. Ember is a great eater and sometimes is in her booster for 45 minutes to an hour for a meal because she keeps wanting more. 
Our little girl is full of spunk and joy most of the time! She loves talking and talks to anyone who will listen. And she also loves to sing! She sings in the car whenever we drive places, she sings for guests, she sings to her Baby Chee Chee (doll) and Tickle (her Silkie bear toy) during quiet time, and now into a microphone she got for her birthday.
Ember has an amazing memory and impresses us daily by repeating things she remembers from months ago or stating something she heard us mention in a conversation we didn't even know she was listening too. She is very perceptive and talented at putting things together in her head.
Some of Ember's favorite things are The Summit gymnastic center, Daniel the tiger TV show, parks, Chick-Fil-A for lunch, taking bubble baths, the weekends with Daddy home the whole time, play dates with her friends, tot school, going to Mexico and Phoenix, helping mommy cook in the kitchen, making Baby Reece coo, and one on one time playing with daddy and mommy. She also really enjoys being able to sing the songs at church if they are repetitive and she can catch on to them. And she is wonderful at praying and enjoys it. She still always thanks God that "Reece is here safely" every time that she prays. Ember loves counting and then chasing Daddy and then having Daddy count and then chase her. She loves doing her "exercise" in her bed and is actually really good at lunges and squats as well. She loves pretending to cook and often makes fruit soup, chocolate peanut butter salsa drinks, and Larabar blueberry pizza. Yum! She always wants a drink of mommy and daddy's Kombucha but makes a sour face every time. Her favorite foods right now are banana, Cutie oranges, grilled cheese, PB and honey, waffles, yogurt, fruit strips, eggs, and trail mix.
Some of her favorite things to play are being a mommy with her baby Chee Chee doll. She bounces her doll in her toy carrier, feeds her, burps her, and puts her to bed in her toy pack n' play with the sound machine on. She loves playing catch in her room and parades. She is amazingly good at and enjoys jigsaw puzzles. Ember really likes playing with her cupcake play dough set with Daddy outside when it is nice out. She loves building with Lego blocks and playing with Jenga pieces. She enjoys bouncing on her Rody horse and playing hide and go seek. She is always moving around whether dancing, hopping, jumping, galloping, or sliding. And she all of the sudden could do a perfect somersault.
Some of the things that Ember dislikes is getting wet or dirty (especially if she is not in control). She also is not a fan of big characters dressed up such as the Chick Fil-A cow or the non human looking characters at Disneyland or Disney world. She does not like things out of order and she dislikes other people or kids too much in her space.
Ember is a sassy, independent little girl who usually isn't afraid to try new things. She has a leader personality that must be reigned in some to keep her from being too bossy. She is very particular with where things belong and how things happen in life. We are trying to teach her a nicer way to state her preferences or dislikes because often times it comes across as mean. She usually is super helpful with things without being asked and loves to put Maci's food dish away and help Mommy get things needed for Reece. 
Ember has a very sensitive and emotional heart. Her little heart breaks sometimes when she is disappointed about something or isn't allowed to do something. Other times she is just plain fussy in these situations. She can be sweet as sugar or defiant. Usually a little alone time in her room helps her to to find a "happy heart." She also will randomly come up to mommy, daddy, or Reece and say "I love you so much" and start hugging us or rubbing our backs or arm.
Ember definitely is the master of imagination and creative play. And she can just be down right silly! She has an imaginary big brother who is just named "big brother" who comes over to our house often and does funny things like climbing the door. Big brother also comes to church and Mima and Pappy's house with us often. Since I was pregnant, she also has had a baby in her stomach who she calls "Baby Aamen" and if you put your hand on her stomach to feel Baby Aamen kick... she jumps her stomach to make it feel like a kick. Every time after Ember is done eating a meal, she wants us to sneak up on her with a wipe to clean her face. She makes "snow angels" and sings a song every night on her rug right before reading the Bible and praying. 
There is rarely a dull or quiet moment with Ember around. She loves to be around the action and constantly wants us to go into her room to play with her or just watch her play. She is a great mix of sweet and spunky and we are so excited to see what God has in store for her!

Here are a few birthday celebration pictures:

She wanted a necklace for her birthday with Mommy and Daddy's names on it 

Chick Fil-A for lunch

Aunt Ally did a cool Birthday Interview with Ryken when he was 3 which included a hand print, photo, and list of accomplishments. I loved the idea so much - we decided to do it too! Here are some of Ember's answers:

What do you and Mommy do together? Go to stores, the Summit, Bananaland, little church, and do God's Little Explorers

What do you and Daddy do together? Eat breakfast, sometimes go somewhere with Daddy too like a whole family, chase game, hide and seek

What makes you happy? When I have a happy heart. And when I laugh when Daddy makes some silly noises.

What is something scary? Pappy's mask and Storm-troopers

What are you really good at? Princess Sophia puzzles, hippity hopping, spinning, Minnie Mouse cat puzzle

Who is your best friend? Emmerson, Luke, Addi, Evi, Evelyn

What do you want to be when you grow up? Scary alligator lion

What do you think about before you fall asleep? Anna and Elsa


  1. This is so sweet. Love the questions. I remember seeing ally do that with Ryken and Allison do it with Raelynn and I wanted to do it when Jace turns 3 as well! So fun to look at their answers. What a fun age!

  2. LOVE all the details to this post!! So fun to see in in my mind from these words, since I don't get to very often in person!! I love how God creates them all so differently and uniquely and oh so beautiful!! What a Creator! She is a hoot!! And I must say, she will be the best scary alligator lion there ever was! ;) The questions are so fun!!
    Thanks for writing this up! If you are like me, it is more for my records than others...but we sure enjoy reading all of it!!

  3. Anna and Elsa... HAHAHAHA

    This is so sweet! <3
