Sunday, November 22, 2015

Reece 1 Month Old

Reece is 1 Month Old
(actually almost 3 months as I finally get around to posting this)

Reece weighs about 10 1/2 pounds and is pretty consistently waking up 2 times during the night to eat. But he has gotten so much better at going right back to sleep. The longest stretch he has slept at night has been 4 1/2 hours. He takes about 4 naps a day ranging from 30 minute to 2 hours. He is in size 1 diapers now.
Reece really likes being held in the sitting position so that he can see what is going on around him. He loves baths in his blue infant bath tub and when he is fussy or overwhelmed, putting him in the Ergo carrier calms him down quickly. He doesn't like having his clothes changed. He especially hates putting on or taking a shirt off over his head. He is fussy each night from about 5 pm till we start getting him ready for bed which is usually around 7 pm. As soon as we start putting his footed pajamas on, he calms down instantly knowing that bedtime is coming. He also does not enjoy being in the car seat. If he has a chance to fall asleep in it deeply, he will sleep in it a while but otherwise he mostly cries during car rides.
Reece is beginning to enjoy his play gym more and more. But he still would rather be held and talked to face to face. He enjoys being outside and usually calms down when we go outside... unless it is too windy. If it is windy out he gasps as if he can't breathe. 
This month Reece learned how to make cooing noises. When he does this Ember always says "He's talking." And his cries are becoming distinguished instead of just the newborn cry. He is learning how to move his face muscles to make different faces (including smiles) but not yet in reaction to anything. 
Reece definitely had many firsts during his first year of life. He met many new people that are near and dear to our family. He went to church and Lifegroup for the first time. He went to his first birthday party and had Grandma and Grandpa Flin visit. He also took his first nap in his crib and did well with it. And of course many other firsts occurred this month.
This little boy has already stolen our hearts and we are so excited to continue to watch him grow and develop into who God has predestined him to be.

Here are a few more pictures from the last month.

Tummy time

My 30th Birthday

3 friends with their baby boys
(Reece - 1 month, Micah - 7 months, Owen - 4 months)

1st nap in crib


  1. What a handsome little guy! Time sure flies! They grow up too fast!

  2. Love how little he looks in his crib!! :) That sweet sweet face!! Can't ever have too many pictures! :)Thanks for posting them...even if you are behind! We will take them at any chance we get them!
