Sunday, November 22, 2015

Reece 2 Months Old

And just like that Reece is 2 months old!! 

Reece is 11 pounds 9 oz and 22 inches long. He is still in size 1 diapers. On average, he wakes up 1-2 times per night and usually takes about 3 naps per day. He has gone 9 hours straight a few nights and 7 hours straight on a few others but this is not the normal yet.
Reece still really loves baths. He will start to coo when he hears the bath water turn on and he will cry when we take him out of the bath. He loves face to face interaction and will coo when you get close to his face and talk to him. He also really loves hearing his big sister run around, play, and talk. He will turn his head toward where she is. And he still loves getting in his pajamas. It soothes him at night. He still strongly dislikes the car seat. Also, we tried feeding him a bottle of breast milk and he does not like that very much at all. He has drunk 2-3 oz out of a bottle one or two times but since then as refused it every other time we tried. And he also does not like to be set down once he is getting sleepy. He definitely is a little cuddle bug especially when he is tired. 
Reece has officially found his hands and enjoys sucking on them when he is tired and falling asleep. He practically gets his whole fist in his mouth. He has also gotten good at grabbing and swatting at the toys in his play gym and recently learned how to hold on to toys as well. He especially likes his orange O-Ball. Reece is a strong little guy and loves to stand with us helping him balance. It is amazing that he can lock those legs out and support his weight for quite a long time. Reece also loves to have his head rubbed.
Reece learned to smile in response to us this month and it is such an adorable smile. We will be talking and smiling to him and he will just give us a big gummy open mouthed smiles in return. It just doesn't get much better than that. And he is a big communicator. When we talk to him, he coos back in response. He is also getting really good at tummy time and holding his head up when we prop his chest up, It is a little tricky still for him when he is flat on the ground.
We had many fall themed adventures this month which were all firsts for Reece. He went on his first hike in the beautiful changing fall leaves, we went on a horse drawn wagon ride, and on a Pumpkin Patch Train. Reece went to Phoenix for the first time to celebrate Grandma Flin's 60th birthday and got to celebrate his first Halloween dressed up as a pea pod!  
It was a great month full of exchanging coos and smiles with our little sweet boy and we all can't get enough of him! 

Here are some more pictures from the month.

Ember reading to Reece

Meeting Great Grandpa Flin for the first time


  1. Okay what a little love bug he is!!! He is so sweet and adorable. So glad he is giving you some good rest. I can't wait to meet that little guy next month! I've been looking for updated posts. So glad you got a chance to post some! (I'm 4 months behind myself... And i don't think I'll ever catch up. Haha)

  2. Aww love it! <3 He is getting so big!!

  3. What a little sweetie!! I so have wanted to rub his I am so glad he loves it!! :)
    Praise God for His graciousness in allowing Reece to sleep so well, as yourself! :) What a blessing!
    And his little smile is just a heart melter!! :)
    Love the update!
