Monday, January 14, 2019

Kade - 5 Months Old

Kade is 5 months old and growing and changing every day! 

At 5 months old, Kade weighs right at 13 lbs and is 23 inches long. Kade is still sleeping in our room in the pack n play with the bassinet attachment. He wakes up 1-3 times a night. Some nights he does amazing and other nights he seems unsettled. He has learned to roll over onto his tummy and usually sleeps that way but I think he sometimes wakes up and doesn't like that he is in that position. We still swaddle his lower body but he is often all the way out of his blanket when we get him up. He usually wakes up between 7:30-8:00 in the morning and usually takes 3 naps during the day ranging from 30 minutes - 3 hours. He is usually in bed for the night right around 7:30 pm. He moved to size 2 diapers this past month and is in 3 month and 3-6 month old clothes.

Kade loves face to face contact with anyone! Whether you are talking to him, singing to him, or playing a game such as peek-a-boo or tickling him - he is smiling and happy. Baths are quickly becoming one of his favorite things and he just likes to talk and splash his hands and feet the whole time he is in it. He still enjoys his play gym until he rolls over onto his tummy and gets stuck (which happens almost immediately!) He loves sitting in the sit me up when we are all eating dinner or when I am cooking dinner. He just likes seeing what is going on. His favorite toys are still Sophie the giraffe, his O-ball and O-ball car he got for Christmas, and his thumb. But his sister and brother trump all his toys as the best way to be entertained. 

Kade dislikes getting stuck on his tummy even though he does it to himself every. single. time. He has gotten a little more needy in the attention department and would rather be held than play in his play gym or sit me up. And he still isn't a fan of going to sleep anywhere else besides his bed. He will do it every once in a while but doesn't sleep for long. 

During this last month, Kade learned how to sleep on his tummy and seems to enjoy it that way overall. He also found his toes and is often found holding on to them or trying to pull whatever is on his feet off of them. Kade also learned how to laugh aloud this month. He doesn't do it too often but when he does it is adorable. 

Kade had quite a few firsts this past month. He got to come with our family to the North Pole Experience which he stayed awake the whole time for and didn't want to miss any of. Kade went on his first plane flight when we flew to Oceanside, California. He had his first Christmas and New Year's Eve and Day. He also got to swing in a playground swing for the first time which he really enjoyed. Kade has always enjoyed baths but we took his newborn sling out and he loves bath time even more. Lastly, Kade got to try facing forward and out in the Ergo carrier for the first time. He seems to really like this and will talk and coo while being carted around. 

Kade is still intensely loved by us all. Reece recently just said he is the "best baby ever" and Ember said that she couldn't imagine life without him as part of our family. I can't help calling him "my little love" because the love we have for him is deep! 

Pictures from Kade's 4th month of life:

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